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Our dedication and loyalty goes to the independent Eye Care Professional. We strive to build a solid partnership, with a goal of mutual growth. We believe in offering the very best eyewear solutions, yielding happy patients and more business for you.

We know that there are many facets to the success of an Eye Care Professional, and we work every day toward being the partner that helps you attain that success. We offer ongoing promotions, rewards programs and Growth Initiative Programs. This will stimulate your patient base and employees while you will be able to track your sales, watch your margins and keep informed of industry benchmarks.

Our lab offers an in-house Crizal AR processing center, an average of 2 day turn-around on all jobs, less than 3% lab breakage rate and superior quality backed by knowledgeable and friendly staff.

OPL was in the top three for Transitions Lab of the Year 2006, an Outstanding Varilux Laboratory 2006, and produced a winner of the Essilor Advantage Lab Pro President's Club 2006.

OPL – Focused on the independent professional!

Vision Benefits of AmericaVision Care Plan